Sharron Lowe is a passionate mental health advocate, coaching people through managing their success and motivation. As soon as lockdown happened, Sharron knew she'd have to do something BIG to help people cope from home.
The launch of the Stress Busters was extremely successful, but that's not what Sharron was intending to happen. Even if Sharron could help ONE person manage their anxiety and stress during unprecedented times, she was happy. During the pandemic, Sharron reached thousands, receiving messages from strangers about how the stress busters have helped them get through some really tough days.
Thank you for sharing this, Sharron! You're so inspiring! Your drive and success never surprises me, but it does motivate me. This is incredible!
Check out the post here.
Mental health isn't like physical health, but that's not to say it's not important 🤕
You often cannot see it in another person, its hidden in the person's mind 🤕 That's why this is a great week to bring even more awareness to Mental Health in others and SO importantly in ourselves. Maybe we should observe other people more closely, listen more intently, care a little deeper and add another spoon of kindness.
Every single day I give my physical wellness and workout (I'm addicted to my trampoline 😂!) and JUST as important, and for me sometimes more important, is my mental wellbeing. It's always been something to be aware of and nurture (yep that's our job). So check in with yourself, how's your mental wellness? Do you need to nurture you and be kinder to yourself? If you think you do, then you're half way there...
Check out the post here.
A lot of people gave themselves BIG goals for lockdown, such as to learn a new language, declutter their house, lose weight etc. - and what I'm hearing is that many HAVEN'T done this, and have then put stress on themselves for not achieving. STOP! 🛑
If there's something you wanted to do, yet haven't done, be kind to yourself! 🥰 Don't become the enemy inside your head 😱. There is no pressure and no rush, because you can start NOW. 👏🏻 If there's truly something you want to do, you will get it done.
We are all achieving as we are travelling through and out of lock-down. And, if you have achieved all you set out too, then thats great too! 🎉
Check out the post here.
A lot of people will be focusing on the negatives of #coronavirus and it’s contagiousness. But, have you ever stopped to think about other things we can adopt, take on board, and also give out, that are contagious too?
Love, laughter, hope, self-care, excitement, enthusiasm, positivity and kindness are ALL contagious.
Negative emotions are just as contagious as positive emotions, and many say they can be even more contagious and at a faster speed. Imagine if you could control which emotions you took on board? Well, guess what - YOU CAN!
Be aware. Your thoughts ARE your choice…
Keep up to date with Sharron's post on Instagram here.